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龙腾小说网 > 黑夜绽放的玫瑰 > 番外 遗恨之心

番外 遗恨之心


“does anyone help me?”一个金发蓝眼的少女在无人街道上奔跑着。


“are you.... are you a good person?”起身的少女拍了拍身上的灰尘,问道。


“i''m in trouble now, can you help me?”少女恳求道。


“why do not you speak?”少女对沉默的洛胤神心感到很疑惑。

在几分钟后,洛胤神心学会了这门语言,自我介绍道:i am luo yin shenxin,what trouble are you having?

“i’m kalia. i was caught by a trafficker not long ago. now they are looking for me. please take me to a safe place. i will repay you!”少女紧抓着洛胤神心的双手,说道。

“人贩子?!”洛胤神心冷笑一声,说道:don’t worry, you won’t be hurt by them with me。

“really? thank you so much。”话音未落,对方就追了过来。

“you can really run!”几个气喘吁吁的靠着墙,久久没有恢复过来。

“who is that man who looks like a harlequin? is it some of her relatives?”

“no matter who he is, our target is only that girl。”

“you’re right, if you complete the task earlier, you can go back to rest earlier, let’s go together!”


“this girl is covered by me. if you want to do something to her, you have to defeat me first!”洛胤神心拍着胸脯说道。

“where are you the clown? dare to manage our nosy? are you tired of living?”其他几个叫嚣着。


“what did that guy just say?”

“what are we doing? we have no money to travel abroad, of course we don’t know what he said。”

“i can only rely on me at the critical moment。”



“i can only understand a little bit, why are you doing this to me?”

“就算是人贩子,有空的时候就不能多学习一些其他语言吗?”洛胤神心叹息一声,翻译道:i mean, this girl will be protected by me. if you want to touch her, you have to beat me first.

“you are not one of us, why protect a stranger?”

“protecting the weak is not nosy, but a duty。”洛胤神心看了眼身后的少女,更加确定自己现在做的事情并非是错误的,而是真正的光明。

“listen to you, are you the guardian? is it the new guardian? perhaps, we can talk about it. as long as you can give that girl to us, the benefits will be indispensable to you, how?”


“why is this guy saying things i don''t understand again?”

“although i don’t know who this guy is, but judging from his actions just now, he might be a well-known master of tricks.”

“no matter how much, come on!”



当空间内没有声音之后,洛胤神心问道:where is your home, i''ll take you back。

“my family has been killed by them, i am now homeless, but there is still a lot of inheritance left waiting for me to inherit”少女回应道。

“真是个可怜的孩子,虽然失去了家人,但这个世上有不少孤儿院,可那些只是换着法坑钱的丑陋之地,我总不能将一个拥有大好人生的孩子送到那种前途一片黑暗的地方吧?”洛胤神心想了想,说道:if you need help, i will definitely help you solve the problem, but i can’t take you with me, it’s too dangerous。

“i can take care of myself, whether it’s dangerous or not, i believe in you, please take me out of here with you”少女再次恳求道。

“我知道你肯定能照顾好自己,只是——你不该让自己的人生变得和我一样罪孽且黑暗,抱歉,我不能将你带在身边,也不能带你离开。”洛胤神心回过神,翻译道:i know you can take good care of yourself, it’s just—you shouldn’t make your life as sinful and dark as mine, sorry, i can’t take you by my side, nor can i take you away。

“it’s okay, i don’t care about those, i just want to stay with you”少女以一种非常特别的眼神看着洛胤神心。

“我讨厌小鬼,而且我也不是一个有特殊癖好的家伙,可这丫头——啧,我最不擅长应付小鬼了,再加上我也不能让一个女孩子伤心,真麻烦,只能走一步看一步了。”洛胤神心摇了摇头,无奈的说道:well, i can take you by my side, but you have to stay by my side at all times, otherwise it will be difficult for me to guarantee your safety

“no problem!”少女像对待爱人一般紧紧抱住洛胤神心的右手,这让洛胤神心感觉自己的未来更加麻烦了,至少在生活方面肯定都是内在因素造成的坎坷,可他也只能这样做,毕竟世事无常,人心险恶,总不能看着一个无辜少女就这样被糟蹋或是被当成廉价品一样贩卖而坐视不理。

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